Oncology Massage
Oncology Massage
When ‘Life gives you Lemons' why should you be turned away? Massage should not be given to those with a history of Cancer without specalist training, this is why many Spa's wil no longer be acessable.
Our Certified Oncology Massage Therapist will help you. #SmashIt. Don't let Cancer stop you having all the benefits of a relaxing massage.
A very important part of this session is holding space for all of the emotions that arise. Not only are aches and pains tended to during the session which could inclued a guided visualisation and breathing techniques. It is individually tailored to support you and your supporters.
For those with terminal cancer and those currently receiving treatment for cancer an adapted massage really is an option to offer comfort and relaxation. This modified treatment will take into account the stage of health of the client and any previous surgery, the location of canulas, central lines, IV ports and colostomy bags or ongoing therapies that are being or have previously been undertaken. The session will be tailored to suit the energy levels and current healing demands being placed on the body and will last as long as is deemed appropriate for the individual. Time will be spent with the client looking holistically at possible options for the session and ongoing care.
Massage is beneficial as it will lessen the symptoms resulting from radiotherapy and chemotherapy and decrease the adverse effects from anesthesia used in surgery. Massage has been shown to reduce the length of hospital stays, increase the rate of digestive flow (Peristalsis), and to help to support those with extreme fatigue. Massage will never provide a remedy to directly treat or reduce the number of cancer cells present in the body.