New beginnings
New beginnings
60 minutes of relaxing therapeutic massage. This session has additional time each side of your massage to take full account of your history to understand your needs and provide a bespoke massage. After care is then shared to give you new ideas to help your body and mind become ‘your best you’.
We believe that giving a massage can make a difference. We want your massage to be a positive experience and as such we take extra time to get to know more about your health and lifestyle. By having an in-depth consultation we ensure that the massages and after care plans we give are safe and appropriate for each individual.
It takes at least 20 minutes to set up the room ready for your massage. During which time you can prepare your skin to be able to absorb the maximum goodness of the oils by having a shower or sit back and enjoy a glass of water. This really helps the soft tissues in your body to be more responsive to the massage. Some would say that a glass of water is more beneficial beforehand than after! Your therapist will need access to a wash hand basin. You will be massaged for a full 60 minutes. You may rest afterwards on the table for up to an additional 15 minutes so that the relaxation vibe is not abruptly interrupted.
Once you are up and dressed again you are encouraged to have a further drink of water whilst the room is cleared. You will then have an opportunity to ask any further questions and we will show you stretches or exercises that may be beneficial going forward.
Please allow three hours for your treatment. Ideally you would not have to rush off out afterwards but be able to take things a little slower and be able to carry on with your day in a more considered manner than usual.