A nurturing and therapeutic massage is enhanced when given in the comfort of your own home
The Relaxologist gives bespoke massages in your home so that after your treatment you do not have to fight the traffic and pop that amazing bubble of floaty feelings.
Your dedicated cheerleaders for team YOU
The Relaxologist offers not only lovely massages but also gives encouraging aftercare tips so that the benefits of your self-care can reap rewards well beyond your session.
For the ultimate indulgence, we offer four-handed massage. Why have one massage therapist when you can have two?
We won’t turn you away
The Relaxologist is a Certified Oncology Massage Therapist so even if you are currently undergoing cancer treatment you can have a specifically modified massage at any stage of health, without having to obtain a Doctor’s letter beforehand. Even if you have Leukemia, Breast, Brain, Bowel, Prostate or any other type of cancer, we believe everyone should have access to nurturing massage care particularly when the going gets tough. After your massage you will be able to sleep more easily, move more freely and be able to enjoy a quieter mindset.
Benefits of Massage
There is always a positive ripple effect when you make an effort to look after yourself. Clients have reported improved sleeping patterns, increased ease and range of movement at previously stiff/painful joints and a sense of calm which helps them to tackle life's challenges with renewed vigour.
We appreciate how special your "Me-Time" really is.
We know that having a regular massage can help your sense of well-being to flourish so that you are able to do more of the things that matter to you.
If you are in pain, we can help
We help those who are suffering following an injury or they wake up tired after burning the candle at both ends.
Are you under pressure at work?
Do you feel busy with family commitments?
Does juggling the care of others reduce the time you have for yourself?
Does living with Cancer or a long-term health condition require an extra layer of consideration/planning to manage everyday tasks?
Let the Relaxologist come to your rescue
Feel so good you can take on the world!
Take Action
Are you ready to give yourself the opportunity to really relax and elevate your levels of well-being? We listen to your needs and individually tailor all treatments to each and every client. So we help you to become the best version of you, starting from wherever you are now. Give your body and mind the treatment it deserves by calling to book your session today.
You have to nourish to flourish
It is easier to sustain a busy life when you are not running on empty. Doug in Grenoside described our massages as a “non-negotiable necessity” We know that having a massage can also be a precious treat. So either way we will go the extra mile to give you a therapeutic treatment but with the space and time given to really relax. Unlike at a spa you do not have to rush away from the massage table at the end of your session to make way for the next client, so you really can stay feeling cosseted after your pampering.
Helping Sheffielder’s to relax
The Relaxologist offers holistic massage therapy in the comfort of your own home. We are based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
“You can’t pour from an empty cup”